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Act of Balance

for 2 violins & viola
Duration: 7′

The piece, divided into seven miniatures, deals with gradual changes of pitch by raising or lowering the intonation in combination with 12-step tempered chromaticism.

First performance: July 2nd 2017 Music School, Bonn, Mehlemsches Haus

Charlotte Veltmann, Violine
Axel Lindner, Violine
Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg, Viola

…and July 9th 2017, Kammermusiksaal, Hochschule für Musik & Tanz Köln

Charlotte Veltmann, Violine
Christiane Veltmann, Violine
Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg, Viola

Act of balance score Excerpt Page 1

Score excerpts

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